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Keith Olbermann leaving MSNBC. Last Countdown tonight.

In a typically eloquent closing to his nightly Countdown show, Keith Olbermann told his audience that was the last Countdown show.

Just one question. Was it Comcast who had him fired or was it because of Comcast that Olbermann quit? I vote for the former because Olbermann wouldn’t quit so suddenly. Besides, he almost admits as much when he says that he was told, “This is going to be the last edition of your show.” Your liberal media at work. More like your conservative corporate media at work.

Why is Olbermann now off the air while Glenn Beck thrives and Fox News keeps the hate speech spewing?

MSNBC has a sporting chance after Comcast takeover. Really?

MSNBC statement:

MSNBC and Keith Olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” will be this evening. MSNBC thanks Keith for his integral role in MSNBC’s success and we wish him well in his future endeavors.

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain.

UPDATE: Rachel Maddow is on Bill Maher’s show tonight. Wonder what she or Maher will say, if anything?

UPDATE II: Anderson Cooper says he has the story behind Olbermann leaving. Will dish tonight.

UPDATE III: Anderson Cooper FAIL. Nothing new. Olbermann off the air through 2012 although he can do radio.

UPDATE IV: Twitter down. Olbermann brings down another network! :0

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