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All the wankers taking cellphone pictures of TTC operators …

… should take a fucking pill.

Honestly, they’re like kids with extremely annoying toys.

How many of them are guilty of exactly the same thing? How many of them can honestly say they’ve never used their cellphones while driving?

But of course, this will play right into the Sun’s agenda of torquing the shit out of any story that can be used to make organized labour look bad. Because as we all know, in Rob Ford’s Toronto, unions are eeeevul.

Early story in the Star tonight says some of the drivers have been fired, and oh, golly gosh, look at this: one of the dipshits who snapped one of the pictures is apparently “upset.” It’s not what he wanted at all. And he feels pretty bad now.

Geezus, cue the violins. He feels pretty bad. How awful.

All the sound and fury about a few TTC employees falling asleep or texting behind the wheel, and political outrage, and undercover operations to catch staff malfeasance … obviously the most pressing and dangerous problem facing Toronto today.

Once again: please, a little context. You’re all upset about that, but you don’t have a problem with more than a billion of your tax dollars going to pay thousands of cops who can’t keep a few dickheads from breaking windows, but have no trouble kicking the shit out of peaceful citizens?

Can you say “your priorities are up your ass?”

(Cross-posted from here.)

3 comments to All the wankers taking cellphone pictures of TTC operators …

  • ck

    I can’t believe they haven’t learned their lesson in leaping to judgement and the knee jerk reaction of thinking the worst after that poor TTC ticket salesman who was photographed sleeping was an employee with a spotless record, who actually saved a life at one time, was found to have been suffering side effects from heart medication. I suppose those same wankers begrudged him when he got sick leave shortly before he died. Evul unions indeed!

    I guess these wankers refuse to learn.

  • George Robitaille. It’s not too far-fetched to suggest that the stress drove him to his death.

  • ck

    No, I guess you’re right. They said he died of a stroke. Heart disease, stroke, stress…they’re all intertwined.