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“This is the President of the US”

Whenever I feel like I’ve gone too far as a blogger or that my snark has failed, I turn to Blogging Tories in Their Own Words. It never fails to give me cheer and set me back on course. This little gem from today’s edition features a fine bit of racism and not an ounce of snark from Wednesday’s Climbing out of the Dark.

This is the President of the US. Can you be sure he will make the best decisions for America? To help Israel? Does the US have your back anymore? When the President of the US bows to enemies and will not support their friends, what happens next?

When the COOTD blogger refers to “their friends”, is that blogger referring to friends of the “enemies”? Who knows? Make about as much sense as the rest of the post. Love the concern trolling for America and Israel, though.

4 comments to “This is the President of the US”

  • Hate is the new Black. Since Obama was elected President, there has been a level of right wing hatred that I have not witnessed in my lifetime. The most enraging thing about it is the ill-thought, misinformed, uneducated hate mongers have such a powerful voice in the right wing media and the blogosphere, twitter landscape. It is quite upsetting and unsettling, at once.


  • I would imagine this isn’t even a real pic, and but a photoshopped tea party fantasy – unless they were at some costume party. The teabaggers might be dumb as rocks, but Obama isn’t!

    It certainly nice to see some sane Americans hitting the streets in Madison, instead of just armed and incoherent TeaHadists!



  • Christian

    Great pic, Michelle is effin hot!

    I have a theory on this. I think the racist white folk resort to these sort of attacks because they realize they could never satisfy a woman with a brain. Again, just a theory. :}


  • Big Daddy

    I think the rights problems are 1) 51% think he’s Muslim
    2) 58% think he was born in
    3) 100% think he’s black


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