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The Hypocrisy of Blogging SupposiTories is Astounding!

Yes, they’re all a crowing with feigned indignation over how a racist like Andre Forbes  slipped past a vetting process to become candidate for the Liberal party.  Astounding  hypocrisy, considering the hero to most of them is none other than Small Dead Animal’s KKKate, in fact, I do wonder if she gets off on sleeping with men wearing white pointy hoods and sheets? Probably goes into spontaneous orgasm at the very thought of it.  Another hero of yours’ Wendy,  “Girl On the Wrong” Sullivan refers to natives as “Injuns”.  Lord knows how often you talk against Muslims, Tamils and other brown people.  In other words, are you sorry Stevie Spiteful didn’t recruit Forbes first? More than likely! In fact, if he threw his support behind your party, you’d all be crowing with praise, no doubt.  In fact, Manicouagan still hasn’t nominated a Harpercon yet, maybe you can persuade Stevie Spiteful to take Forbes.

Yes, Blogging SupposiTories are a bunch of white supremacists themselves (for the most part anyway; certainly those like Hunter and Dean who are bitching about the Andre Forbes drama) and don’t give a shit about Natives, their rights, or the challenges they face daily. In fact, I seem to remember most you wanting APTN to go away swiftly when the story broke about Bruce Carson and his saucey ex-hooker girlfriend, young enough to be his great-granddaughter.  None of you seem to care about the fact that most Native reserves are on a permanent boil water advisery.

So, without further ado, Go fuck yourselves!!! And Hunter, KKKate,  go masturbate with your Stevie Spiteful dolls, will ya?

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