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At Least We Can Thank Gawd RK Ball Ain’t In the Running For Justice Minister or Public Security

I knew that Harpercon majority would really bring out the wingnutty crunchy goodness, as CC would say, in those blogging SupposiTories.  Yep, it’s more amplified.  RK Ball,  Stephen Taylor’s resident theocrat and evolution denier, RK Ball has a whopper of a goody for us today. He appears to not only want to see the Young Offenders’ Act scrapped over one extreme case that isn’t the norm, but he would also like Corrections Canada to perhaps take up ‘caning’  (lashing, beating) those found guilty.  Right! Ok, RK, how about you attempt to cane some some very hostile 6’3, 300lb individual with the word ‘tiny’ tattooed on him and calls himself Big Bubbah?

He failed to research further into Singapore’s so-called glowing low crime rate. It’s also on a travel advisory in Australia and the UK and Lord knows wherever else,  due to the high risk of terrorism there, as well as other nasties.  The grass ain’t always that much greener on the other side, now, eh, RK?

Folks like RK are why it tends to be so embarrassing to be Canadian these days. Bring caning to Canada! Yeesh! We are turning into rednecks.

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