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New National Anthem-My Canada Day Gift-And Why I Boycott Canada Day

Well, while Stevie Spiteful has already begun the task of flushing Canada down the toilet in earnest:

And he turns us into another version of tea-party nation:

Stevie Spiteful keeps one promise: We’re really beginning to longer recognize Canada.  Canada, is now Harperland, where democracy is restricted to naming Stevie’s cat on Facebook. While the old  national anthem, like most national anthems are dreadful and hard to remember to begin with, Oh Canada is no longer fitting. So, I wrote another variation. Ok, I’m no Gilles Vigneault, I’m tone deaf and can’t rhyme anything if my life depended on it, but I took a crack at it a week ago. I changed the lyrics somewhat, because it just had to include asbestos, a PM’s best friend.

Oh Harperland!

Oh Harperland! My Home of treasured asbestos!
True love for war! In all my-I command!
With viagara, we see thee rise, the true north, strong and free,
for fat white men, Screw the Rest!
We stomp on those who dis-sent!
Gawd keep our land, left-fringe free!
Oh Harperland! We stomp on those who dis-sent!
Oh Harperland! We stomp on those who dis-sent!

Oh yes! And the flag of Harperland would look something like this:

No, like last year, Canada Day gives me no cause for celebration. It’s merely a stat day–an extra day off work.

We still wear the stains of torture in Afghanistan, but then, why should we care about a bunch of brown people half way across the world known simply as “Taliban thugs” when we don’t care about our own citizens being arrested and brutalized by their own police simply for protesting peacefully at a G20? Still no investigation there.  Only a few hundred showed up.  Shows the complacency, the inability of critical thinking, the frighteningly twisted priorities of Canadians. Never going to the polls again supercedes their human rights and dignities.  Blind faith takes over common sense.

Asbestos is a marvelous product while marijuana is just ‘bad’: very bad(yes, that was the only reason Stevie could give for strict prohibition of the plant).  Asbestos is a PM’s best friend.

Where working man is pitted against working man. Immigrant pitted against immigrant. You get the idea.

Where only rich old white men reign supreme and everybody else is reduced to being left winged fringe group. Yes, so many from that ‘left winged fringe group’ we know as everybody else voted for him.

Where we must never criticize Israel, because, hey, Stevie Spiteful is a ‘prophet’ of Israel, doncha know? And that too shall warrant us a stay in one of Super Toews’ mega prisons.

A day to boycott. A day where I hope that civil disobedience prevails, if not this year, I hope soon. How much more blind faith and complacency can we take?

2 comments to New National Anthem-My Canada Day Gift-And Why I Boycott Canada Day

  • Donna

    If you read, this older article of, Harper in New York, to give a speech at the Council of Foreign Relations. You will see why the American people say, Harper should be tried for treason. The NAU, has been Harper’s evil agenda all along.

    If you Google: Harper delivers his speech, on Global Governance for Canada, you will again see Harper’s evil intents.

    Some one else had a plan, for Global Governance, or NWO if you will. Only that person called, the New World Order, the Thousand Year Reich.

    I had, three brothers, two brothers-in-law and a sister, in the armed services, during WW11. How strange!!! Our young Canadian boys, were blown to bits so we wouldn’t have a Thousand Year Reich nor a dictatorship, in our country. They died for nothing, because, Harper isn’t worth dying for, he is a waste of skin.

  • Oemissions

    watched a little of the Canada Day with Kate and Will and the GG and ofcourse Steve and Laureen and kids
    Laureen looked frumpy and walks bow legged in heels while Steve waddles about, rather penquin like
    What’s with all the military stuff in these ceremonies?
    Still having 21 gun salutes and inspections of the guards
    like the photos
    I made a flag with an upside down blue maple leaf
    We stand on guard, we stand on guard for THEE