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Stevie Harper’s Conservatives Show Just How Spiteful They Are As They Go After a Widow Of an Asbestos Victim

Yep, no holds barred with this gang of miscreants. That asbestos lobby is just so damned important to them that they won’t let a widow of a man who died of asbestos related mesothelioma get in the way of their agenda.  They’re going after her for the use of their contempt party logo.

Michaela Keyserlingk, whose husband Robert died in 2009 of mesothelioma, has been running an online banner since the spring that reads, “Canada is the only western country that still exports deadly asbestos!”

Conservative party executive director Dan Hilton warned Ms. Keyserlingk to stop using the Tory symbol immediately.

“Failure to do so may result in further action,” Mr. Hilton wrote in a July 29 email which carried the subject title, “Unauthorized use of trademark.” The email, which The Canadian Press obtained from Ms. Keyserlingk, went on to advise her: “Please govern yourself accordingly.”

Well, I guess that is to be expected from these clowns by now.  It’s the fact that they go after a widow with such relish that makes them all the more hateful.

Here’s what’s tying their boxer shorts in a knot:

Ms. Keyserlingk’s blurb, which she says appears randomly on Canadian web pages, is flanked with a “DANGER” warning label and an image of the Tories’ official symbol: a blue letter C with a Maple Leaf. It also directs readers to her website.

“I just want to have the asbestos trade stopped because it’s such a horrible death,” said ms. Keyserlingk, who doesn’t belong to any organization and pays more than $300 per month for the ad out of her pocket.

“It’s just so terrible — and to even contemplate doing that to other people is unforgivable.”

The Harpercons, clearly, don’t care.  They’re invoking trademark rules where the use of their precious logo is concerned. Yeah, right, like their logo hasn’t been used as a free for all for the masses already.  No, this is about a woman who dares to stand up to these clowns and call them out when they’re doing something really wrong, like knowingly exporting and promoting a harmful carcinogen.

She says she’s only using the logo on this ad in hopes of luring ReformaTory Canadians to her site so they can see for themselves where their favourite motley bunch stand on this issue.

Ms Keyserlingk and many of us may have a glimmer of hope though. All but one mine in Thetford Mines have been long since shut down. This mine appears to be the only one exporting the crap to poor countries and it appears that it may shut down by 2012.

A confidential federal memo suggests Canada’s last fully functional asbestos mine is about to die, raising the prospect the controversial industry might just disappear on its own.

The Natural Resources Canada memorandum, released under the Access to Information Act, estimates that the life of Quebec’s Lac d’amiante du Canada will end in early 2012.

This information sheds new light on the international argument over asbestos and suggests that, despite its loud defence of the industry, the Harper government is aware it could die a quiet death.

Johnny-Boy Charest did pledge a $58 million bank loan guarantee to revive the Jeffrey Mine in the town of Asbestos (they really outta consider changing the name of the town), but there is a condition attached that they find private investors to put down $25 million by Monday, August 15. It appears that the Jeffrey Mine has requested the Charest government  for an extension to this deadline, indicating that they have not found the investors.  I guess nobody thinks investing in asbestos is smart, or they have developped a scintilla of a conscience and want to see the asbestos industry die the death it deserves??

Ms  Keyserlingk’s website. Go have a look.

UPDATE: It seems there is an investor from Montreal willing to purchase the Jeffrey Mine but doesn’t quite have the scratch and is asking for an extension to the deadline.

 Balcorp has requested another extension on the financing deadline set by the province.

The private sector money would help the consortium secure a $58 million loan guarantee from the Quebec government.

Balcorp says financing is almost there but not quite.

Well, well, well! A company that doesn’t have the scratch but wants to purchase, of all things, a failed asbestos mine? Why?  Reportedly, a Quebec government official says they may well grant the extension for this loan guarantee. Let’s hope this scam fails.




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