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So, Suzy ALLCAPS, Are You Promoting…MURDER??

Well, boys and girls, I know I’ve been gone for awhile. Blogging for me will still be sporadic as I am still dealing with health issues and learning my new position at work, which I am loving and it’s challenging and I learn something new every day.  It’s all good, except, of course, for the health issues, which I can certainly live without.

After watching the Rachel Maddow Show last night, I had learned of a site from these American fetus fetishists who had passed around rather detailed information, complete with photos that led to the murders of doctors who provide abortions in the 90s, who have now discovered the power of the internet. Yes, it’s a database on doctors and clinics that provide abortions.   Forget it, boys ‘n’ girls of morbid curiosity, I ain’t a linkin’ to it.  Watch the murder rate go up. What’s dumber is that these fools actually believe that they’re a stoppin’ the killin’s! Lessee now, stopping the killings by killing.  Hokey Dokey!  Yep, watch the murder spree go up.

Speaking of which, Canada’s darling of the fetus fetishists, Suzy ALLCAPSLOCK, apparently, is all ga ga giddy about this idea. In fact, she thinks it’s time that we have such a thing in Canada. Oh Suzy, I’m sure that MPs Bruinooge, Vellacott, Woodsworth et al are all salivating over the idea.  But, I really must ask, Suzy, you wouldn’t be promoting murder, now, would you? And you call yourself pro-life?  Ah, the irony!

Oh, more interesting facts, go to Dammit Janet’s where DeBeauxOs informs all about another delightful group of extemists known as Campaign Criminalize Abortion and more importantly, provides us with facts and statistics about jurisdictions where medical safe abortions are illegal and contraception is not readily available.

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