Archived posts

Harpercon Cheerleaders! Why do you Demand more Accountability from First Nations and Unions but Not From Your own Government?


Boys ‘n’ girls, as of now, Employment Insurance will be next to impossible to receive, but, of course, not only are we all still obligated to contribute to the EI fund, but our preniums are going up.  How is that fair??  Hey, Harpercon cheerleaders! Time to wake ‘n’ bake, how come you don’t . . . → Read More: Harpercon Cheerleaders! Why do you Demand more Accountability from First Nations and Unions but Not From Your own Government?

New shiny object: the word “barbaric”


Oh dear. Justin Trudeau seems to have made a boo-boo – er, gotten tangled up in the semantic weeds (Cue the Jesus Facepalm).

Watch as the Conservative Attack ParrotsTM crank up the squawking and the national conversation gets sidetracked into a giant foofaraw about honour killings.

How convenient. Another chance to spout off about cultural relativism, blow . . . → Read More: New shiny object: the word “barbaric”

Democracy Is a “Distraction” and a “Liberal Game”


That is what Stevie Spiteful and his pitbull, John Baird seem to be sayin’.  Let’s tune in:

“We have debates in Parliament all the time. The Speaker rules. You win some, you lose some. If you lose, you comply, and that’s what we’ll do,” Harper said in Toronto.

“I understand in the game . . . → Read More: Democracy Is a “Distraction” and a “Liberal Game”

How thoughtless of me


A postscript to an earlier entry: in my haste to suggest that the Toronto Police were simply using the G20 as an excuse to lash out at anyone they deemed insufficiently abject, I neglected to provide any meaningful context.

I’d like to correct that oversight, so if I could beg your indulgence once more, . . . → Read More: How thoughtless of me

Oh look, the cops are investigating themselves …


… again.

This should go well.

(Cross-posted from over . . . → Read More: Oh look, the cops are investigating themselves …