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CNN analyst just now: “First night of the Vagina Monologues in Charlotte going as expected.”


Republicans deny they are at war with women. This guy is an example of the reality.

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain. UPDATE: Here’s a petition aimed at CNN to fire Erickson for his sexism. Over 30K signatures were collected as of Wednesday . . . → Read More: CNN analyst just now: “First night of the Vagina Monologues in Charlotte going as expected.”

CNN on Occupy Wall Street: “Bang on the bongos, smoke weed!”


If there any doubts that CNN turned a far right with the hiring of far right blogger Erick Erickson and Breitbart flunky Dana Loesch with no progressive counterpart, take a look at how one CNN reporter characterizes a news story.

The reporter, Alison Kosik, deleted the tweet. . . . → Read More: CNN on Occupy Wall Street: “Bang on the bongos, smoke weed!”

CNN’s Erick Erickson: “Secular leftists and Islamists are both of this world. Christians may be traveling through, but we are most definitely not of the world.”


Yep, he said that. And I must say, I agree. At least about the ‘leftists’ part. We are definitely of this earth. As for those non-leftists floating around in the ether, good luck to you! Hope you arrive at your destination in one piece. Oops, that was supposed to be . . . → Read More: CNN’s Erick Erickson: “Secular leftists and Islamists are both of this world. Christians may be traveling through, but we are most definitely not of the world.”

Television media coverage of liberal events no longer exists


Today, two major events occurred in two separate countries with the same media reaction – indifference. In the States, the One Nation rally drew twice as many attendees as Glenn Beck’s rally a few weeks before it. The difference? The smaller crowd at Beck’s rally was much ballyhooed in the media, receiving live . . . → Read More: Television media coverage of liberal events no longer exists