Archived posts

WANTED. Have you seen this man?

Tweet Poor Les Leyne laments in today’s Times Colonist at the lack of Leadership in BC these days.  Did he really just notice this?  The rest of the province have been wondering what the hell happened to Gordon Campbell since the day he resigned without stepping down.  The so-called professional media have not been . . . → Read More: WANTED. Have you seen this man?

Now Danny Williams Has Just Pissed Me Off and a Lesson Jack Layton Should Learn


I was one of the few who actually didn’t make a big stink over the guy going off to the U.S. for his heart surgery, due to the fact many of Canada’s rich and famous go to the U.S. and Europe for treatment when they have the money to just pay for that . . . → Read More: Now Danny Williams Has Just Pissed Me Off and a Lesson Jack Layton Should Learn

Right Slanted Corporate Media Telling Us How to Feel & Think Yet Again


Indeed they are. This time, it’s old health care debate on both sides of the border. Yep, Talkin’ about Danny Williams,  Premier of Newfoundland. National Posties’ columnists are proving particularly all ga ga giddy over this with the phony outrage over this (phony for the most part any way). What’s worse, is they . . . → Read More: Right Slanted Corporate Media Telling Us How to Feel & Think Yet Again