Archived posts

Ladies! Pay Attention, Now, Once Again, Lessons in Feminism From Blogging SupposiTory Hunter


Hunter has a somewhat different twist on her usual “Where are the feminist rants?” this time. Perhaps it’s because Princess Sarah Landriault  has somewhere disappeared from the blogosphere and Hunter seems to think it’s her place to take over from her. It ain’t pretty.

Women’s choices are not the same as men’s! The . . . → Read More: Ladies! Pay Attention, Now, Once Again, Lessons in Feminism From Blogging SupposiTory Hunter

“Liberal/progressive women “refuse to support women in places like Afghanistan who are being stoned and hung… Thank goodness they think childbearing is beneath them.”


Sounds like expelled BT Dodo is at it again. When I first read today’s Blogging Tories in Their Own Words’ entry, I immediately thought of Dodo. There is only one Dodo. She is too precious to have a doppelganger. Or, is she? Upon closer inspection of this incredible post, I see it originates . . . → Read More: “Liberal/progressive women “refuse to support women in places like Afghanistan who are being stoned and hung… Thank goodness they think childbearing is beneath them.”

To Blogging SupposiTory Hunter, Education Should Be Banned!


No post secondary education in the ideal world according to Blogging SupposiTory Hunter! Jethro Bodeen and his 6th grade education must be her hero.

So I guess that Hunter would prefer that lawyers, doctors, her kids’ teachers and her accountant shouldn’t have beyond a high school education, then?

I bet that in Hunter’s . . . → Read More: To Blogging SupposiTory Hunter, Education Should Be Banned!

Protesting and outrage. Where we juxtapose. CC edition. UPDATED


CC tweeted this little gem from a rightblogger. You know, those people who are so outraged (read the comments) over the protesters at Blatchford and Coulter speeches (even though the numbers of protesters were tiny). Talk about hypocritical oaths!

Let’s take a little look at what happened when Galloway spoke at York University . . . → Read More: Protesting and outrage. Where we juxtapose. CC edition. UPDATED