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To Blogging SupposiTory Hunter, Education Should Be Banned!

No post secondary education in the ideal world according to Blogging SupposiTory Hunter! Jethro Bodeen and his 6th grade education must be her hero.

So I guess that Hunter would prefer that lawyers, doctors, her kids’ teachers and her accountant shouldn’t have beyond a high school education, then?

I bet that in Hunter’s household, it’s typical Conservative topsy-turvy–if her kids graduate high school, they would probably be disappointments of the family. If they actually went far, like graduate school or post graduate, they would likely be disowned.

Her blog shouldn’t be called “Climbing out of the dark…” It should be called “Crawling back into the dark…”

2 comments to To Blogging SupposiTory Hunter, Education Should Be Banned!

  • Happy New year, ck.

    Damn that hunter is dumb. I will add, that dog don’t hunt.

    People like her are worse than just stupid. They embrace their ignorance. Wear it like a badge of honour. Then, unfortunately, they pass that attitude onto their kids. Really ticks me off some days that when the rest of us – with our MAs and PhDs – fight for rights, we are also fighting against their ignorance to protect their rights.

    hunter and dodo…my, my.

    ck Reply:

    Thanks and Happy New Year to you too!