Archived posts

Giorgio Mammoliti– A Great Shirriff Roscooooo P Coltrane To Mayor Boss Hogg


Yes, ol’ Giorgio Mammoliti has been really becoming unhinged as of late. McCarthyism is indeed alive and well over at City Hall. A Facebook group that won’t allow ‘commies’, although, one seems to have slipped through, but the comment has been scrubbed. Damn! shoulda taken a screen shot.

First, was his spying at . . . → Read More: Giorgio Mammoliti– A Great Shirriff Roscooooo P Coltrane To Mayor Boss Hogg

Who’s Smarter? A High School Sophomore or Rep Michele Bachman?


This tweet from @GottaLaff grabbed my attention.  It appears that a high school sophomore from Cherry Hill, New Jersey has dropped the gauntlet and has challenged Rep Michele Bachman (R-Minnesota) to a debate on all things US constitution.  Here is the young lady’s letter.

Dear Representative Bachmann,

My name is Amy Myers. I . . . → Read More: Who’s Smarter? A High School Sophomore or Rep Michele Bachman?

So Osama Bin Laden is Dead; Guess He Wore Out His Uses & Wondering Who the Next Bogeyman Will Be?


Folks all a celebratin’ that Osama Bin Laden is dead.  Can’t for the life of me figure out why.  Another bogeyman is going to come replace him very soon.  Something has to keep giving the military industrial complex a raison d’etre.

The fact that that bushwhacker, Bin Laden’s demise happened under President Obama’s watch . . . → Read More: So Osama Bin Laden is Dead; Guess He Wore Out His Uses & Wondering Who the Next Bogeyman Will Be?

Jared Lee Loughner Likely a Non-Partisan Madman, But Easy To See Why The Far Right Would Be Blamed


I’d been on Twitter on and off for the better part of the afternoon and evening since Jymn had posted about the shooting of Arizona’s Eighth District  Democratic Congresswoman, Gabrielle Jeffords.  Jymn has been updating here and at his place.

The right tweeters, in an obvious attempt at a preemptive strike against those . . . → Read More: Jared Lee Loughner Likely a Non-Partisan Madman, But Easy To See Why The Far Right Would Be Blamed

Year In Review: The Year The Public Disengaged


This has been one sad year in Canadian politics. Allan Greg said it best when choosing the political moment of the year on the At Issue Panel this past Thursday: “…put’s us in worlds tallest pygmy territory.” No truer a statement has been said by a political pundit. That being said, I have . . . → Read More: Year In Review: The Year The Public Disengaged