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Rex Murphy’s alternate universe. Donald Rumsfeld version. Channels John Hinderaker.

Donald Rumsfeld recently wrote an autobiography Known and Unknown which has been generally panned as disingenuous and full of cowardly self-justifications for his sociopathic tenure as Secretary of Defense under Bush. His error-prone and artless conduct leading up to and during the Iraq invasion would be Onion-worthy had it not been for the tragic . . . → Read More: Rex Murphy’s alternate universe. Donald Rumsfeld version. Channels John Hinderaker.

Wingnut bloggers claim Wikileaks docs prove Iraq had WMD’s

The predicable phalanx of right-wing bloggers exploded today with breathless claims that they have discovered proof of their long-held claim that Iraq did indeed have weapons of mass destruction just prior to the invasion by the US/British troops in 2001.

Trouble is, that claim is mostly bogus. Surprised? I didn’t think so. Wired . . . → Read More: Wingnut bloggers claim Wikileaks docs prove Iraq had WMD’s