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Jymn’s half-assed Predictions for 2012


Occupy will stay underground and grow its infrastructure and goals. More and more organizations and individuals will pledge allegiance to the movement. The media will interpret this lack of visibility to the failure of Occupy and continue to treat supporters as dirty fucking hippies. The year of Occupy will have to wait until . . . → Read More: Jymn’s half-assed Predictions for 2012

The Vancouver Club, Dick Cheney and pedophilia: a tale of perversion, politics and privilege


UPDATE: Anthony J. Hall, from the Comments at Let Freedom Rain:

I attempt to put the whole Vancouver Club/Jack Cram/pedophilia/BC Indian title scandal in broader context in chapter 8 of my new book, Earth into Property: Colonization, Decolonization and Capitalism McGill-Queen’s University Press).

Where is the investigation into the police treatment meted out . . . → Read More: The Vancouver Club, Dick Cheney and pedophilia: a tale of perversion, politics and privilege