Archived posts

Free Republic goes nuts over phantom claims of a hairdresser for Palin in Haiti


The far, far right Free Republic (just slightly left of death wish SDA) , egged on by countless wingnut blogs, has its panties in a twist over what it claims is an AP story on Palin bringing along a hairdresser to Haiti. Probem is, AP never reported this . . . → Read More: Free Republic goes nuts over phantom claims of a hairdresser for Palin in Haiti

Take that Ezra, Beck and Fox News: Soros gives cool million to Media Matters UPDATED


Now all those gasbags on the right have reason to legitimately tie Soros to Media Matters. It’s actually a reality now. Soros is a donor to Media Matters. A big donor.

Media Matters has done a credible job so far of keeping the feet of the homophobic, racist, criminals of the right’s to the fire. Now, . . . → Read More: Take that Ezra, Beck and Fox News: Soros gives cool million to Media Matters UPDATED