Archived posts

Republican Richard Mourdock: Rape is a gift from God


It’s not so much the absolute underscored disregard for women or the blind adherence to scripture that makes Richard Mourdock’s statement so egregious; it’s the rush from the GOP in support of the Senate candidate that is so startling.

The chairman of the Senate Republicans’ campaign arm is standing by Indiana Senate . . . → Read More: Republican Richard Mourdock: Rape is a gift from God

Hey Tea Party, STOP RAPING PEOPLE! Behave yourselves!


A Tea Party spokesman and former regional director of the Southern California Conservative Party has been arrested for kidnapping and rape.

“Yo Tea Party, you freaks! You filthy freaks! You filthy, filthy, filthy raping, murdering freaks!” (Sorry, I just had to get my morning BREITBART on.)

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain.

UPDATE: Judging from Memeorandum, . . . → Read More: Hey Tea Party, STOP RAPING PEOPLE! Behave yourselves!

A useful rape analogy


From the estimable Where I Wander blog: