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Hey Tea Party, STOP RAPING PEOPLE! Behave yourselves!

A Tea Party spokesman and former regional director of the Southern California Conservative Party has been arrested for kidnapping and rape.

“Yo Tea Party, you freaks! You filthy freaks! You filthy, filthy, filthy raping, murdering freaks!” (Sorry, I just had to get my morning BREITBART on.)

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain.

UPDATE: Judging from Memeorandum, this news has barely dented the wingnutosphere, not to mention prog blogs. Imagine if this had been an Occupy rape and kidnapping. The sphere would be turning on its axis. All hell would be breaking loose. Breitbart would rise again. But no. Barely a whisper so far. Interesting.

1 comment to Hey Tea Party, STOP RAPING PEOPLE! Behave yourselves!

  • ck

    Ah, but didn’t you know? As long as you’re a conservative who supports soconism and so-called Libertarianism of today, it’s all ok! Remember?