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Fantino Only the Gravy on the Goose as Harpercon “Support the Troops” Hypocrisy Continues


Out of two major events in federal politics this week, Harpercon Robocop Fantino added insult to injury with our veterans just when you think that he and his Harpercons couldn’t stoop any lower.

Over the past week,  after two months of  8 veterans committing suicide, therefore a group that . . . → Read More: Fantino Only the Gravy on the Goose as Harpercon “Support the Troops” Hypocrisy Continues

Coalitions Are Just Fine By Steve–When They’re Composed of Right Winged Parties – Update


No, I’m not talking about that hostile take over Steve and CRAP executed over the Progressive Conservatives.

If folks still don’t want to believe that coalition letter of 2004 Stevie wrote to GG Adrienne Clarkson, signed by Gilles Duceppe and Jack Layton was really a coalition but something only Gawd knows what, perhaps . . . → Read More: Coalitions Are Just Fine By Steve–When They’re Composed of Right Winged Parties – Update

Conservatives blow UN seat


If the Liberals were in power, it would have been a shoo-in. We’ve always been successful before. Now we have Harper. And the world knows it. Too bad a third of Canadians have no clue. What will it take before they realize Canada is being taken over by a megalomaniac authoritarian incompetent without . . . → Read More: Conservatives blow UN seat