Archived posts

Another Piece of Criteria For Conservatism-Racism–Apparently, Sri-Lanka is Now a Hot Tourist Destination–What if a Boat Load of Irish Migrants Arrived?


Blogging SupposiTory BC Blue is citing fellow wingnut from, you guessed it, Kory Klan, Brian Lilley, claiming that Tamil refugees all go back to Sri-Lanka on vacation.  I had a troll once who seriously believed that Sri Lanka was now a vacation destination, as well as another at some other progressive blog awhile . . . → Read More: Another Piece of Criteria For Conservatism-Racism–Apparently, Sri-Lanka is Now a Hot Tourist Destination–What if a Boat Load of Irish Migrants Arrived?

Could the Tamil Ship Be The Distraction The Harpercons Are Looking For To Change Their Fortunes?


Gawd, I hope not. But it is certainly pointing in that direction. Redneck Ryan is dutifully talking about it on his show all week in a rather manic way. Somebody should perhaps recommend some good mood stabilizers for this radio host the way he goes on about how the ship should have been . . . → Read More: Could the Tamil Ship Be The Distraction The Harpercons Are Looking For To Change Their Fortunes?