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Obama Cancels Trip to Golden Temple In Fear of Fuelling the Orly Taitz & the Tea-Bagger Brigade He’s Muslim

My Co-blogger, TorontoEmerg, already covered this, quite masterfully,  just yesterday:

Don’t blame him. Why cause yourself trouble by providing the dumb shits at home the final proof you’re Mooslim? Especially when the wingnuts will go to great lengths explaining how Sikhs are Muslims, Muslims are jihadists, jihadists are fascists, fascists are Nazi, Nazis are socialists, and therefore Obama is a an islamo-jihadi-fascisto-socialist Hitler for going anywhere within 500 miles of Amritsar.

I don’t really need to add to that, except, I just caught Kelly McParland’s piece on that very subject, and he adds that all imporant piece of  Obama trivia:

“…and everyone knows Obama was born in Kenya, which is where Hawaii was located at the time.”

So that’s why Orly Taitz and the Birthers and the tea-baggers think Obama’s born in Kenya! Of course! Must be that new geography; I know that can get tricky sometimes for some folks. Thanks for clearing that up, Mr. McParland.

But, Kelly, your update and accompanying photo; not a fair question, where you’re asking if the freakazoid in the photo looks Muslim to us;  that freakazoid hogging the camera is whiter than wonder bread and ultra conservative to put it mildly.  If the dude were say, a brown MP in the Liberal or NDP or even the Bloc, I’m sure the Tea-bagger North faction would all be crying out  “Moos-lim!”  “Jihadi!”

1 comment to Obama Cancels Trip to Golden Temple In Fear of Fuelling the Orly Taitz & the Tea-Bagger Brigade He’s Muslim

  • JJ

    I’m pretty sure the McParland piece was snark. Snark about teabaggers, which can only be considered a step in the right direction.