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Female Bloggers vs Many Female Columnists

I thought Jane Taber was insipid, particularly when Question Period isn’t playing on the big TV screen. Truth be told, many of these women columnists are a disappointment in this day and age and I have to wonder why they actually get paid to write: Christy Blatchford, Gloria Galloway and now, this Margaret Wente.  The latter illustrating what happens when they have absolutely nothing to write about.

Like so many, it would even appear her little column on this subject wasn’t researched as it should. According to stats: 63.4% of women are more likely to maintain a blog. Only 36.6% (Thanks Dr. Dawg for supplying this info).

Of those female columnists, I bet we can find many more female bloggers who could do the jobs of these columnists much better than the actual columnists do…and they don’t get paid for it neither. Maybe that’s the trick. Since we’re (all bloggers; men and women) not paid to blog, we write more truthfully as we don’t have corporate media outfits with their board of directors to please.

Ironically, I have a feeling that most of Wente’s traffic at the Grope & Fail went up because of bloggers like myself who blogged about her insipidness.

There. My two cents on this subject.

Completely unrelated Sidenote: My husband just informed me, while watching ‘Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader?’ that when the moderator asked what the capital of Saskatchewan was, the adult contestant answered, ‘Montreal’. Perhaps we should have informed this woman that we really do live in igloos and eat whale blubber breakfast, lunch and supper.

There’s someone who should read more Canadian blogs; not columns; at least, not those from many of the Corporate media outlets.

There, end of brain dead blogging for tonite.

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