It would seem that since yesterday, Gilles Duceppe referring to those involved with the Quebec Sovereignty movement as ‘Resistants’, thus supposedly comparing themselves to the French Freedom Fighters in WWII, is splashed all over the news; it seems to be coming a close second after health care reform passed last night.
Even hacks like Norman Spector and Jane Taber are weighing in trying to stay relevent.
Me thinks the Harpercons are getting a tad paranoid:
“Gilles Duceppe shows once again that he is always trying to create squabble and division, only to justify his obsession to hold a referendum on sovereignty in Quebec, as soon as possible,” according to the internal missive to MPs and supporters early this morning.
“It seems that Gilles Duceppe has forgotten that Canadians, including Quebeckers, bravely fought Nazism during World War II.”
Oh get a grip already! You’re only figuring out now that Gilles Duceppe and the Bloc Quebecois’s main raison d’etre is Quebec Sovereignty? With that fool Pauline Marois as leader of the P.Q. flying pretty much solo up until Lucien Bouchard’s controversial remarks last February, she is going to need all the help she can get these days. Just what did everyone think would happen after Bouchard dropped the gauntlet last month? That the Bloc and The P.Q. weren’t going to do anything? If theysimply rolled over and brushed off Bouchard’s comments, they would have lost their raison d’etre amongst Quebecers for sure.
“Squabble and Divisiveness”? Really? He’s attempting to unite Quebecers. As for squabble and divisiveness that you refer to; well, where’s the problem? Afraid that perhaps Gilles might play it better than Steve? Oh, like Steve never made any anti-Quebec statements in his career.
This is classic Steve calling the kettle black here; not only because of his games of divide and conquer against the opposition parties and with Canadians in general, but, what many seem to forget is that ol’ Stevie himself attempted to engineer the break-up of Canada. I seem to remember a letter written by Stevie to Ralph Klein in 2001, all about creating a firewall around Alberta. I suggest you click on the link and read this firewall letter to remind us of how much Stevie loves Canada to remain all together in love and singin’ “Coombaya”.
In addition to that firewall letter, I have heard many an Albertan conservative musing about themselves pulling out of Canada as they feel the rest of Canada (mainly Quebec) are thieves. Wonder why that never makes the headlines of so-called mainstream media? Oh yeah! It’s Harpercon media. Wonder why Stevie never condemns them for their misanthropic behavior?
Oh and Stevie, Soudas and the rest of the Harpercons: I want to thank you for succeeding, yet again, in alienating Quebecers. Remember Stevie, it ain’t just separatists who endorse and vote for the Bloc.
Yeah, I know the Liberals have come out and denounced Duceppe’s latest rhetoric as well. Although, they appear to be either much more subdued about it or the Harpercon media has just overlooked them this time around. Liberal MP Marlene Jennings even went in so far as to call it ‘a good laugh’ as did another Montreal Liberal MP, Marc Garneau,
As for Duceppe, well, he does have a point:
“Quebec sovereignty is not possible, just as the Liberation was not possible, without the work of resisters,” the Bloc leader said, explaining his comments were inspired by the writings of Pierre Vadeboncoeur, the late Quebec union activist and sovereigntist.
I believe he meant the same thing I’ve been saying along: if we want something from our government, or to change the government in power, it starts with us, the citizens taking action. Nothing gets done through apathy. I believe he is merely trying to wake up a dormant sovereignty movement. Will he succeed? Only time will tell, I guess.
One thing that could help his cause though: go after the separatist leaning media and have them tout the message and serve up the sovereignty kool-aid. After all, if Harpercon media is successful and pulling more and more Canadian ‘centrists’ on Stevie’s sharp right turn, then I think a smart man like Duceppe can get the sovereignty media to help him with his message.
And no Harpercons, I have found nothing suggesting that Duceppe called the Federal government outright Nazis. Better watch it, Harpercons, there is still a pesky little thing called libel. Oh, and idiotic statements from Soudas the Harpercon wonder puppy don’t help matters at all.
“Quebeckers want us to help protect their jobs and balance our books without dipping in their pockets. That’s what we’re focusing on,” said Mr. Soudas.
Attitudes like that are largely in part why Quebec sovereignty is brought up every now and again; why referendi are held. They don’t like it when Federal Politicians or anyone else shoving federalist values and attitudes down their throats, no matter what party is in charge. Quebecers don’t need the likes of Soudas or anyone else to tell them the economy is important. Most above a 6th grade education know this. After all, it will take a much stronger economy in Quebec in order for sovereignty to be achieved.
Even if Duceppe or a BQ member were to vocally compare Stevie and the Harpercons to the Nazis, they wouldn’t be the first and they certainly wouldn’t be the last to do it. MPs like Toews and Kenney seem to do all right of making themselves look like tyranical bigots without trying too hard without any help from Gilles Duceppe or any separatist rhetoric he can dish out.
Now move on to more important things of substance.
As for me, anything that gets the Harpercons and their cheerleaders all hot and bothered is a source of amusement to me.
Sidenote: I wonder what an Alberta Separatist is called these days?
I don’t know about Alberta, alone, but there is a tiny group that wants to Build a “Republic of Cascadia, which would include BC, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
These are largely White Supremacists and Militia types. Scary bunch.
From Wikipedia:
Cascadia (commonly called the Republic of Cascadia as a full name) is a proposed name for an independent sovereign state advocated by a grassroots environmental movement in the Pacific Northwest of North America. This state would hypothetically be formed by the union of British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington. Other suggested boundary lines also include Idaho (all or parts), western Montana, Northern California, parts of Alaska, and parts of the Yukon. This type of “federation” would require secession from both the United States and Canada. The boundaries of this proposed republic could incorporate those of the existing province and states.
At the maximum extent, Cascadia would be home to more than 17 million people and would boast an economy that generates more than $450 billion worth of goods and services annually, which would place Cascadia in the top 20 economies of the world.[3]
There is a similar right wing movement in the East called Atlantica, proposing a union of New England and the Maritimes.
All of these so called movements are essentially trying to break up Canada and bring about a form of North American Union. Very dangerous people IMO
Here is some info on Atlantica, from a greoup that is rallying against it. There is a lot of high placed people supporting this portion of NAU.
What is Atlantica and Why Are We Against It?
Atlantica, the International Northeast Economic Region (AINER), is charting a course towards breaking down barriers for big business in Atlantic Canada, Eastern Quebec, and the Northeast United States.
While Atlantica acknowledges economic distressed regions of Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, it seeks to perpetuate local economic hardship in these regions by lowering minimum wage and concentrating economic wealth in a proposed Atlantica triangle.
This proposed triangle includes Connecticut and spreads to the three points of Boston, Albany and New York. Proponents of Atlantica, Atlantic Canada’s business elite and their policy research arms, blame ‘too much government’ as economic burdens in our region when in reality it is the cheap sell off of our public resources, privatization of our public services and other concessions for large corporations.
Read the rest of our Declaration here: Declaration Against Atlantica