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Another Thing to Note About the Hypocrisy of Fetus Fetishists

DeBeauxOs of Dammit Janet asked where the Fetus Fetishists were in the plight of a refugee from Guinea who is Diabetic with a high risk pregnancy. A valid question indeed that points out to their hypocrisy.

Long story short, Camara married a Canadian citizen, and in spite of the marriage having been obviously consommated,  immigration officials held fast that the marriage was a sham,  perhaps because he went out west in an attempt to look for work while she stayed in Montreal.  Just an observation here,  this is not the first time one spouse in any couple leaves town alone to either look for work or to actually work and then come home to visit his/her family. Why on Gawd’s green earth would these immigration officials think this is foreign?  Ah! Because, she’s black and our immigration officials work for a  government proven to be racist time and again. If she were white and came from any given (almost, anyway) European nation, the pregnancy more than likely would have been enough to prove the marriage was indeed real.

Today, we learn that Sayon Camara, the refugee in question, got a reprieve. She will be able to stay until the baby is born, at least. Good news for her and her baby.

I was going to answer DeBeauxOs question with something like they only care about white babies born to Judaio-Christian families. However, after looking at today’s comment board under the story at the CBC,  all that hatred and paranoia. One comment stuck out for me  by a CarloswhatdoUC and allow him to answer her question:

Well, well, how about that? All of a sudden, it is ok for an abortion rather than allow a black baby to be born. Perhaps they’re only ga ga giddy over lilly white babies being born. Wait! NO! They don’t even want government funded abortions in any maternal aid initiative.

That same commenter of course, had to bring that good ol’ American paranoia that has spread here; that ee ol’  ficticious  evul soshalism is to blame.

Also, love how if they’re brown or black, they’re automatically classified as welfare leeches. The poor husband left his home town to find work, but he is still considered a leech.  Alberta, no less; check this out: if he does get lucky enough to find a job there (or almost anywhere else for that matter) unemployed white Canadians will blame him; a fellow Canadian citizen, for taking his job. However, I digress.

Hard to believe that Canada is becoming more and more the nation where thugs like Marc Lemire become national heroes. That is, hard to believe until we read commenters like Carlos and all those who cheer with their ‘thumbs up’ moral support.  It’s frightening that to these people, they would rather see visible minorities drop dead than actually having them as potential neighbours.

If  Statistics Canada projections are correct and  there will be a significant increase in ‘visible’ minorities as well as  whites being the minority in major urban centers in the next few decades, the paranoia won’t be pretty to watch.

Also gotta love how nowadays, diabetes is no longer a disease, but a poor lifestyle choice.  I guess what’s next is blaming parents for having kids with Cystic Fibrosis due to their bad recessive genes.

As for evul soshalism. Here’s something to think about.  Countries like Norway and Sweden consistently outrank us when it comes to standard of living according to UN rankings. Another thing to think about; why is Stats Can projecting this large increase of ‘visible minorities’ in the next few decades?  That usually means that lilly white Europeans must be happy with their socialist conditions as they don’t seem to immigrate here or to the U.S. as much. Interesting how these things turn out, eh?

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2 Responses to “Another Thing to Note About the Hypocrisy of Fetus Fetishists”

  • Bonjour Sister Sage! Thanks for the link to DJ!

    Good wrap-up of Sayon Camara’s situation to date.

    Those despicable angry white rightwing ReformaTory men’s comments at CBC are typically very loathsome.

  • ck:

    That one by Carlos though, really had me almost choke on my water, literally. I was looking for despicable. I found, well, just don’t quite know how to describe Carlos’ comment

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