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When Blogging SupposiTories Get Over Excited

It happens far too often.  Springer of Sort of Political has his intestinal tract in a pretzel over the Liberal left and Jeffery Simpson (he’s to the left?? Since when?? Not when it comes to universal health care he ain’t) critiquing Master Steve’s latest 16 billion dollar waste on his new military toys.

Before I go on, I might add that those who chided Iggy and the Liberals for coming and saying that they think Canada should remain in Afghanistan for another three years following the 2011 deadline and praising Steve for holding fast to the deadline; I think these purchases pretty well prove that Steve not only plans to stay beyond 2011, in a combat mission, but that he plans to stay much longer than three years; perhaps til the end of time.

Now here’s where Springer longs to be like the wingnutty Americans:

…Why even bother, ’cause the Americans will bail our sorry, pathetic Canadian asses out of a jam in any event

And like many Tea-bagging Americans, I bet Springer looks in the closet and under the bed to make sure there are no Muslim Commies lurking around.

No, Springer, you got that backwards.  Your hero Georgie sub-contracted the Afghan war to us and other NATO countries following an attack on U.S. soil  so he can finish Big Daddy Georgie’s work in Iraq.  So Springer, how long ago has it been since Canada been attacked? Ever stop to think that in spite of our older war toys and the fact that we are peace keepers, not warriors is what kept us safe?  Ironically, Steve purchasing these toys has probably made us more of a target; that and his attitude toward the middle-east and the way he sucks up to the U.S. and Israel.

Again, I ask you; who is the tax and spend party? Betcha our taxes are going to go up one way or another to pay for these toys. Funny how the Blogging SupposiTories don’t mind paying taxes for that but screech over rising universal health care costs or any other program to help the greater good.

2 comments to When Blogging SupposiTories Get Over Excited

  • Indeed. The USians wonder why they’re always be attacked by these “cowards.”

    You’d think if it was cowardly assaults based on a bizarre hatred of people for their freedoms, that these cowards would pick a weaker, freer society (like the Swedes maybe), to attack.

    Besides which, our F-18s aren’t sufficient to fight Al Qaeda? We need F-35s to beat people armed with x-acto knives?

    People like springer have absolutely no idea how idiotic they are.

  • Jeffrey Simpson used to be called a “young fogey” back in the early ’80s. That’s a “liberal”? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.