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Blathering Blatchford, Have We Not Learned From Our Past Mistakes?

We all remember what kind of a public spanking Clucking Christy, our chickenhawk of the Grope & Fail got when she jumped on heavily redacted documents and basically threw Richard Colvin under the bus.

But do you think she learned?

No!!! Of course not!! Old habits seem to die hard with our chickenhawk.

Go! Read Dave at The Galloping Beaver. He has all the sordid details of how Toronto’s  lying police chief Bill Blair getting the biggest war mongering columnist who will jump at any opportunity to defend that war, now, including taking certain shortcuts, like not researching facts to back up the questionable statements of a police chief who has already admitted to playing fast and loose with the laws and creative licensing with the truth.

Gotta luv how our clucking Chickenhawk columnist is willing to throw a credible man like Richard Colvin to the lions but believe a disgraced (ok, he ain’t…yet..but, he should be!)  police chief. Go figure!

Here’s a thought, Christy, stop blathering and actually enlist in the Canadian military; sign up for Afghanistan if you’re so gung-ho. It would be far more constructive than your columns, that’s for sure.

1 comment to Blathering Blatchford, Have We Not Learned From Our Past Mistakes?

  • Torontonian

    We are known by the company we keep.

    Blatchford’s company is CFRB and the right-wing
    minds(?) that reside there.

    And to think that back in the 1970s, I thought
    she showed promise as a Globe and Mail budding

    How times change; How times change us.