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Why I’ve Boycotted Canada Day — And A Comment To Piss Off Both Left And Right

It hasn’t been any secret that I’ve been getting more battle weary as I see Canada going more and more backwards. It hit me even more recently following Jim Travers’ recent article as to how we allowed Harper to take our country in a backward direction.

Radio hosts, Media hacks and pundits who not only don’t like facts, but are frightened of them.

After this poll from Angus Reid following the G20, coupled with the blogs and a some of the old volunteers where I work (I wonder why they volunteer where I work; they’re in the wrong place).  I asked on Twitter how the question was phrased and if it was taken before or after Chief Blair’s admission of getting creatively fast and loose with the laws as well as getting inventive with ‘evidence’. Some con follower of mine just blasted me saying that none of that mattered, that it was simply a case of a Liberal not liking a poll result. I sent him the article with Chief Blair’s confession. He just said emphatically “Happy Canada Day” Forget politics; that he wasn’t there. I asked him if he read it and all he did was say he wasn’t there. I showed that same article to the volunteer. He refused to read it as well, saying, well, we’ll wait for the inquiry, several times. I heard Redneck Ryan Doyle touting Bill Blair as a Super Hero and continuing to do so after the article came out, as did his callers.

Seeing many who believe the protesters shouldn’t have been out in the first place; they treated them as spoiled children who live in their parents’ basement without ever having worked a day in their lives.

Even the Facebook group calling for an inquiry into the G20 isn’t growing nearly as fast as the anti-prorogation did last January.

I hate Canada that much more now.

Then I read this and this ‘celebration’ for Canada and just wanted to dive head first into my own vomit. In the former column, they even think it’s a great honor for Canada for Pope Benny to have selected Cardinal Marc Ouellette to go to the Vatican to be a part of his little inner sanctum. Great!  A columnist who thinks it’s an honor for some backward cover up artist to call women who have abortions, including rape victims, criminals. I will say this about the ‘good’ cardinal–Good riddance to bad trash!!

The comments of those columns made me more sick; the fawning over Steve. I guess Canadians are really that much more morally bankrupt.

Then there’s the opposition and how we treat them. And how we stubbornly refuse to change that until they perform super-hero tricks, it would seem.

Then, how can we forget Mary T and Steve’s 2009 by-election slogan of ‘De l’action; pas d’election!”, a slogan created to take advantage of cry-baby Canadians who are annoyed at having their Timmy Horton’s time interrupted by having to go to the polls potentially when Iggy actually did attempt to be oppositional and dropped the gauntlet last fall?

I want to scream about now.

Know what I did ? Judging by the thumbs down over there, I pissed a few folks off.

In the comments section of this  Master Steve and the Harpercon and Cardinal Marc Ouellette love fest, I made the following statement:

Oh let’s just forget about a next election. Most of the posters here appear to be the same who moan everytime the hint of an election may be called. So let’s just forget it. Just Give harper the keys to the playground to do as he wishes until he tires of it or croaks, which ever  comes first; like any good dictatorship.

My question is: just who did I piss off? the Harpercon cheerleaders for throwing a truth that they wanted no one else to figure out  back in their faces? Or did I piss off progressives because they know what I know; that the opposition is going to remain exactly how it is for better or for worse. They’re not pretty faces, they’re not charismatic, they’re not superheroes, magicians or going to zap Steve with laser moonbeams.  That they know their  choices are quite simple and after what happened in Toronto, a no brainer really; police state or the ivy league snooty professor?

You want them to be more oppositional, well show them support. Their polling numbers show they don’t get it.  You afraid of the Harpercon regime as I am? Then hold your noses and make the obvious choice.

I will say this. I will continue to help in the fight to get rid of Master Steve. If he gets his coveted majority. All bets are off. My next cause will be “Vive le Quebec Libre”!!

5 comments to Why I’ve Boycotted Canada Day — And A Comment To Piss Off Both Left And Right

  • Precisely! Vive le Quebec libre – and the other provinces as well. Ultimately, the solution to the menace of Harperism is to localize and separate yourself from the national state. As a failed national state, Canada suffers from political schizophrenia: regular and unwelcome alternation between corrupt Conservative corporate fascists and corrupt Liberal corporate statists. And, frankly, enough is enough!

    To those of us who care for the politics of neither Trudeau nor Harper, there is something to be said for becoming more local in our politics, and in our thinking generally.

  • Willy

    I’ll never forget what a wise old beatnik told me when I was 18 and I was ready to quit and surrender.

    “Transcend the bullshit” Fuck them we are right and they are wrong.

    But today, it is still our day if we want it to be. Happy Canada Day CK.

    ck Reply:

    Thank you Willy, Happy Canada Day to You too

  • Well if it makes an diff, ck, that poll was taken before Blair’s admission to bs’ing the public about the 5 meter rule. 1000 people -woo woo.

    Actual poll here :

    ck Reply:

    Thanks, Alison.