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Something Else Just Don’t Smell Quite Right

Well, Iggy,  not only does ol’ sweater vest Steve not smell quite right; well, actually he smells exactly right; far far right; but, we all know what I mean; nothing else around him does neither. Particularly that whole G20 debacle. 

There is someting else weird about this whole Canada’s most wanted thing.  What is the banking industry doing with facial recognition software instead of law enforcement? Go and read more at Pogge’s.

Furthermore, Canadian Civil Liberties Association says it is untested.

“The concern of Canadian Civil Liberties Association is the lack of experience of the judicial system with facial recognition software and the danger of many people being arrested based on a technology that has not been fully explored and tested in our legal system,” said CCLA general counsel Nathalie Des Rosiers.

Yes, I would say we’re guinea pigs in some other sick experiment.

We are watching a vast experiment. It has many tentacles. This is one of them.

I know I sound deranged, and I’m sorry to sound deranged, but really, there’s too much evidence around that the “authorities” simply refuse to address.

No Skdadl, you ain’t deranged. You do well to be concerned. Everyone should be. In fact, I would question the sanity of those who weren’t. Folks, what will it take before you get it!  We can no longer afford to not question authority!

But…but…capitalism is just so fabulous, ain’t it? 

General Augusto Pinochet murdered in the name of free markets. How far is sweater vest Steve willing to go? Perhaps Iggy didn’t mean to compare Steve to satan, but I sure do.

Again, if you’re in the Montreal area Saturday afternoon, please attend the demonstration at 13:00 at Philips Square. We’re still demanding a proper inquiry into what really happened (not some kangaroo court) at g20; we’re asking that the charges be dropped and that the remaining 13 detainees be freed.

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