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Canada–No Longer One of the Cool Kids–The Sequel

Remember last year I did a post called Canada Will No Longer Be One of The Cool Kids?  Allow me to refresh your memory:

It seems that folks, including world leaders run away from Stevie and his people or they want to shun them altogether.

Yes, I’m referring to that fateful November day in Bangkok where Stevie cleared a room of 77 leaders from developping countries  in a hurry as if he farted (maybe he really did!) when he basically suggested replacing Kyoto with some other insipid agreement. 

In that very same post, I also spoke of  some rumblings going around about suspending Canada from the Commonwealth.

Now, there are some folks who are calling for Canada to be suspended from the Commonwealth due to its’ attitude on climate change. 

“Countries that fail to help [tackle global warming] should be suspended from membership, as are those that breach human rights.” says Clare Short, former international development secretary.

Wait a minute: did she just mention ‘ breaching human rights’? Wow, Stevie, I believe this is a double whammy: I believe this also covers torturegate.

Go read the post for more details.

Well, here we are, nearly one year later and not much has changed. In fact, Stevie has made Canada even more embarrassing!

You see, Steve wants a seat on the UN Security Council, believing he’s entitled to it while he lies through his teeth.

Canada helped found the UN, Harper reminded the assembly. We share its ideals of peace, justice, equality. We’re its seventh-largest bankroller. We deliver on our promises.

Where’s the “we” Steve?  Peace? Justice? Equality?  Stevie Spiteful? Our cross to bear?  Deliver on our promises?  Stevie, the piano playing pariah?   Chilling!

Anyhow, it doesn’t look good for Steve at this point; he’s even managed to make Lyin’ Brian Mulroney look good, although, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s done that.

On Harper’s watch our foreign policy has, in truth, been less UN-focused, more Washington-centric and more muted. We’ve gained an unwelcome reputation at the UN for shirking on climate change, being erratic on human rights, less balanced on the Mideast, and indifferent to peacekeeping and disarmament. And we’re freezing aid.

There was a day, under figures such as Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien, when Canada’s UN profile was higher, when thousands of Canadians served under the peacekeeping flag, when our aid was far more generous, and when Canada was in the forefront championing the International Criminal Court and landmines ban, lobbying for Cold War détente and arms control, repudiating apartheid, and thwarting genocide in the Balkans.

In other words, there was a day when our claim would have been self-evident.

Ouch! Oh Stevie, what have you done? 

And it looks like Stevie is starting to get the hang of speaking in empty rooms.

You know your PM is an embarrassment when as CC, through Dr Dawg, says

“How unpopular do you have to be to get less attendees at the UN General Assembly than Kathy Shaidle gets standing on a milk case in London?”

Oy! Less attendees than Kathy Shaidle? Oh, How low have we sunk? 

Cue in Bobby Vinton’s “I’m So Lonely!” I would post a video, but I don’t have access to YouTube from work. So  listen to it here, if you must hear the cheesy song (I dunno! Everyone has their guilty pleasures);  complete with another cheesy Stevie all alone in a room moment.

Looks like the next time Stevie wants to speak and wants to keep people in the room, perhaps he should hire Christine O’Donnell to cast some kind of spell on the audience to keep them there.

No, Canada is definitely no longer one of the cool kids!

H/T Montreal Simon

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