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Sister Sage’s Musings Just Got Nominated! And Dammit Janet Should Also Be Nominated! UPDATE

Well, not by Canadian Blog Awards, at least, not yet and I find it unlikely that they would. However,  the good women over at Dammit Janet had noticed there was no category for Feminist blogs at the Canadian Blog Awards and had made noise about it.  Rightfully so, the fact that this group would overlook some very talented feminist bloggers is symptomatic of what’s happening in this country with the whole neo-con Harperite cult.  So, it’s great that Dammit Janet has brought it to their attention as well as bringing this oversight to the forefront.  Fern Hill has said that they will add a Feminist blog category in round 2, if someone can provide a list Canadian Feminist Bloggers.  Fern Hill has begun to assemble a list of Canadian Feminist blogs over at her site.

So far, Unrepentant Old Hippie, Bina’s News of the Restless and of course, A Creative Revolution have been selected by Dammit Janet. I would like to add Dammit Janet to this list. Their tireless research of women’s issues from not only Canada, but also the U.S. and sometimes in other parts of the world certainly merit this nomination.   Also for the painstaking task of keeping an eye on Suzy ALLCAPSLOCK and her antics and keeping us entertained with her missteps as well as those from the other anti-feminist neo-con fembots.

Thanks for thinking of Sister Sage’s Musings, Fern Hill and DeBeauxOs! Much appreciated and I’m flattered to have been considered by bloggers of such a high caliber! But, I also have to thank my newly minted co-bloggers:  Kim, Jymn, TorontoEmerg and Logan,  who have been pulling the slack for me while I’ve been dealing with health issues,  housing issues and other shit which have not only been taking up a lot of my time, but also draining my energy, as well as general battle fatigue (tea-bag talkers can do that, ya know!); too much stress to concentrate on blogging, besides the odd post here and there.  I hope to be back to it more regularly in about three weeks time.   Without them keeping my site fresh and interesting with news and snark,  SSM probably would have gone to hell in  a hand basket. When I do come back, I certainly hope they’ll stick around here. They have certainly added more diversity and differing views to SSM.

And of course, dear readers, thanks for hangin’ around here!

Thanks again Fern Hill and DeBeauxOs!

UPDATE: The list of nominees is officially up at Canadian Feminist Blog Awards. Go vote for your favourite one. Notice, you will find no female Blogging SupposiTory on that list!

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