The BC “Lame Duck” Liberal government has their talking points out and they are PUNISHING the media with them: the recall legislation is going to cost 30 million dollars, it should only be used for REAL crimes, you’re targeting hard working MLA’s, blah blah blah. They are throwing excuses to a public who wants blood, not excuses or moronic pandering. Recall legislation is there for the purposes of the public to recall an MLA FOR WHATEVER REASON. It’s not up to the government to decide how or for what reason the recall campaign should be used. Of course the Liberals are scared. They are being help accountable. Sure it is partly a referendum on Campbell, but many of his Liberals simply towed his line. They will be punished for such unabashed sheepishness.
Many Liberals say we need to have an “intelligent” conversation about the HST. I’m surprised they are using this logic as a talking point considering that the public is already considerably angry; it makes no sense to demean the people intelligence as well. To say that the discussion isn’t already intelligent would mean that the public is by and large acting only on emotion, when in fact many business owners and workers are facing real threats to jobs and income because of this HST. It doesn’t actually help restaurant owners, unless you are a big chain store, and it doesn’t help workers either, who are getting less tips for their work. We have the lowest minimum wage in the country which has not seen an increase in ten years. Costs of living have gone up considerably in that time. For Liberal MLA’s to then call then say a discussion needs to take place free of emotion simply takes for granted that the spectrum of the BC public hasn’t already made up their minds. They have. Now the government needs to be held accountable. They are afraid, as well they should be. This is what politicians should fear when they simply tow the line of the leader instead of working for the betterment of their constituents.
Fight HST is calling for the head of Elections BC this morning. He’s rejected the petition. That is going WAY too far, for an ACTING official. (actually wotks for the World Bank)