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Who’s The “Elitist” Now?

Senator Football Star, Larry Smith, that’s who.  He went whining on the Evan Solomon show about how  his lifestyle will take a major hit now that Stevie spiteful has plucked him from football  into the lavish life of leisure in the senate.

Appearing on CBC-TV’s Power & Politics with Evan Solomon, Smith was asked if it was cynical to start off as a senator and use the profile to then run as an MP.

“No, I don’t. You have to understand that I’ve worked very hard over my career to do what I’m doing now,” Smith said.

The outgoing CEO of the Montreal Alouettes said he was not trying to sound arrogant but that he was making a major concession in his lifestyle to become a senator.

“In simple terms, the money I was earning in my last profession to where I would be in this profession is what I would call a dramatic, catastrophic pay cut,” he said.

Going down from a 7 figure/high 6 figure salary to about 132, 000 per year, plus perks for not having to work too hard;  to vote on bills the way Master Stevie tells you and then spending the rest of the time joining Porky Puffy Duffy at white tie parties and perhaps bible study with the newly minted Senator Reverend Meredith; perhaps a moment or two taking a turn to teach Senator hockey coach Demers how to read “See Spot Run…” .   So you have to drop one of your sports’ cars or move into a smaller mansion or condo. Oh, my heart is breaking!!

Oh, like Master Steve put a gun to your head to join the senate and then run in Lac St-Louis, right Larry? I mean, you coulda told him to fuck off, if you really wanted to maintain your lifestyle to which you’ve become accustomed to.

Yo! Mr. Football man! Not every candidate has built in resources and connections war chest to campaign for the next election like you do now.  So much for level playing field. Please explain to the voters of Lac St-Louis; no, make that the rest of Canada how this isn’t cheating? This smacks of  Master Stevie finding a loophole to bypass campaign spending limits.  

Tell me, ‘elitist’-hating Harpercon cheerleaders, how well does this bode for you?

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2 comments to Who’s The “Elitist” Now?

  • Mark Warburton

    Senate reform?


    ck Reply:

    I have a better idea. Abolition of the senate. High school clique for Steve to assure he gets his way; where the ability to read and write become optional for the job and all Porky Puffy seems to do is attend white tie dinners; Now, like Fortier and Smith, using that as a springboard for election campaign; how can anyone take them seriously?

    Plus, if we abolish; look at the savings to the tax payers! No need for austerity there.


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