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Rosie Barton: “Oh for the record, Norman Spector is not a journalist. He’s a guy who is allowed to write stuff. Big difference.”

Best quote of the day re: Norman Spector’s Laureen Harper gossiping. Paul Wells thinks Spector should resign or apologize. I doubt he will do either. He will most likely get a promotion. He certainly is showing no contrition. The story may have been pulled, but these people fail upwards. Even when they bite the hand that feeds.

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain.

3 comments to Rosie Barton: “Oh for the record, Norman Spector is not a journalist. He’s a guy who is allowed to write stuff. Big difference.”

  • ck

    Spector is holding fast to his column; it’s now republished up at his blog, as you already know.

    I am curious as to why is stubbornly hanging on to this one though? It was a holiday fluff piece during a slow Xmas news period. Logially, one would think, would be to move on, simply. Surely, a fluff piece isn’t worth losing his job over.

    I know, he probably won’t get fired, but still, not worth the public humiliation, neither…one would think?

  • I don’t think Spector is a person who feels humiliation. It is about being published. He knows his bosses at G&M are conservative and will support him, despite the show of taking down his column. He is virtually untouchable. If he had written the same gossip and been a progressive, he would have been cut loose yesterday. But Spector is defiant and will continue to flaunt the ethics and morality of the profession he abuses. The right needs his kind too much to do more than lightly tap him on the knuckles. Snake charmers are a dime a dozen in the land of the right and Spector is just another witch doctor who gets away with murder.


    With friends like Norman, who need enemies?

    When you have to resort to “Yellow Journalism”, your credibility is shot. As Rosie stated, Norman is not a journalist, he seems to be some kind of a ‘bewildered old gentleman’, clearly, Norman is way past his “best nefore date.
    Norman, your next stopp is National Enquirer.
