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What Gregor Robertson’s win means to the right wing: “Vancouverites are now raising sheep and growing corn in their backyards”

You know how right wingers love to predict the end of the world if a non-conservative is elected? Republican presidential contenders in the States are conjuring death panels, rampant socialism if not communism (or is it fascism – the right can’t seem to make up its mind), gay parents raping their adopted children, women running wild thinking for themselves and … well, you get the picture. All if Barack Obama wins a second term. Yikes.

Here in Canada we have our own goofy right wingers, most of them on wingnut welfare writing for Sun Media or Conrad Black’s bastard baby, who love to put the fear of jeebus in Canadians if a non-Conservative ever wins an election. Remember Lorrie Goldstein’s front page after Hudak’s defeat?

In Vancouver (or is it Calgary?) lives such a person writing for Sun Media’s 24 (that’s the freebie Conservative fish wrap forced upon us by glassy-eyed robotic stooges who look as if you don’t take the damned thing their lives will be in danger). A proud Blogging Tory, this person is not shy about adopting apocalyptic scenarios so loved by the current crew of nutty GOP contenders and then adding a little extra nuttiness to the whole thing.

CK sent me a link to this writer’s homepage, a stunning display of badly-designed egoism only a Fraser Institute/University of Calgary person could come up with.  I don’t usually link to right-wing hysteria but this is too funny to pass up.

Her name is Kathryn Marshall. As if you wouldn’t know it; her name is blasted out in HUGE letters accompanied by a photo of the pert winger in black suit, arms crossed sternly but with a vacuous grin that only could come from someone who promotes Ethical Oil.

Ok, enough with the fooling around. Here are the goods on the wingnut welfare queen. Her prediction, printed in tomorrow’s 24, is that for the next three years under Vision Vancouver we are racing towards the end of days. We won’t be able to drive because of the congestion caused by the awful Mr. Robertson’s “green fads”. (How inconvenient to have to sit through a light in your Beemer when your lunch at the Vancouver Club with Leah Costello is running late. The tea might be getting cold and the cucumber sandwiches stale.)

Then there’s the heartbreaking issue of bike lanes. And how pre Rob Ford! How about all the money Vancouverites will be paying in taxes because of those pesky homeless and inconvenient drug people? Don’t even ask Ms. Marshall about Occupy Vancouver! Dirty hippies!

But the best is yet to come. In the writer’s own words:

Robertson has declared a moratorium on fun, water bottles and non-organic street meat, and Vancouverites are now raising sheep and growing corn in their backyards. Vancouver may not be the greenest city, but it’s the most expensive.

Because all that hippie shit like sheep and corn (sheep and corn??) is exactly what makes Vancouver so expensive. Got that? Talk about a killjoy.

Georgia at Granville in three years

Folks, this is why 24 is free and both Sun and Post medias are bleeding red.

UPDATE: More on Kathryn Marshall’s ‘little think’, this time about Ethical Oil from Alison at Creedside. And let’s not forget Marshall’s ‘insulting’ take on deceptive ‘women’s rights’ dismantled by DeSmogBlog.

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain.

2 comments to What Gregor Robertson’s win means to the right wing: “Vancouverites are now raising sheep and growing corn in their backyards”

  • Oemissions

    I am glad to see that Adriane Carr finally got elected to a public office.
    But hey Adriane, how Green is it to be reported (CBC interviewer) warming your hands up in your car?
    It’s also a $50 fine for idling.
    Are you part of the problem or….

  • ck

    Brilliant! I’m coughing up a lung from laughing so hard just reading it! Oh, and she did publish my comment!