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Doctor and medical student interrupt Minister Joe Oliver at press conference

Dan Gardner thinks the doctor and medical student are being “thuggish”.


But I wonder what alternatives these professionals have to express their concerns and represent the Canadian public? If the Dr and student hadn’t acted “thuggishly”, would we even know that medical professionals are standing up for Canadians? Will it lead to further discussions that may have never taken place without these medical pros’ input? Doubtful but it is worth a shot, no?

Without the disruption, would Canada’s Con-dominated media have given these protesters any ink? Of course not. These doctors and students do not have wingnut welfare such as Sun News to publish them.

Aside from the Gardners, Wells, McMahers, the deck is stacked too heavily against progressive writers for any voices other than that of the “Harper Government” and its majority media empire, which all too often drowns out all opposing voices, to be heard.

(For the record, I do believe heads of state should be given the courtesy of uninterrupted podium time. Ministers, not so much.)

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain

1 comment to Doctor and medical student interrupt Minister Joe Oliver at press conference

  • “For the record, I do believe heads of state should be given the courtesy of uninterrupted podium time.”

    I disagree and think that the “bully pulpit” deserves to be bullied back from time to time. BTW, my favorite Iraqi (or Middle Eastern personage perhaps) is the fellow who had to do a bit in gaol for throwing shoes at George Bu$h the Lesser…….