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Awww! Jason Kenney! My Heart Is Breaking! Somebody Get Him a Fainting Couch!


Poor Jason Kenney! By extension, poor, poor Harpercons! My heart bleeds for you! Now we understand why Stevie Spiteful wants to have elected senators. It appears to be all about his dear precious Alberta, a province that sends six senators to the red chamber to represent them.  Jason Kenney’s digestive tract is twisted . . . → Read More: Awww! Jason Kenney! My Heart Is Breaking! Somebody Get Him a Fainting Couch!

Did Alberta just turn a progressive corner?


From the desert sands at the foot of the Rockies, did Calgary and Edmonton just elect progressive mayors? Terahertz thinks so and who am I to argue? How can this happen in the province of Klein, Stelmach and Stephen fucking Harper? Nenshi and Mandel! If it can happen in Alberta …

Take heart my progressive . . . → Read More: Did Alberta just turn a progressive corner?

History Lesson: Fun Facts About Equalization and Separation: Quebec And Alberta!


It is not Harpercon Alberta that supports Quebec; not entirely anyway. We all (yes, including us Quebecers) pay federal taxes and they in turn get distributed to the provinces.   This is something many tend to conveniently forget. Hell, I remember Tommy Schnurmacher almost sounding surprised when Gilles Duceppe told that Quebecers paid . . . → Read More: History Lesson: Fun Facts About Equalization and Separation: Quebec And Alberta!