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You gotta love Charles Krauthammer


No, really. Krauthammer, the yammering critic of everything that Obama does, has come out praising the president. Yes, really. Sir Charles is falling all over himself applauding Obama’s negotiation on the tax cuts. Krauthammer calls the the deal a ‘second stimulus’ and ‘swindle of the year‘ (that’s praise coming from Mr K.).

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Charles Krauthammer: leave Sarah Palin aloonnnne!!!


Here’s the perfect example of how the far right punditry tries to frame every issue -  and every one of their own party darlings – into a win-win situation. These guys are the masters of manipulation of any hot topic so that if the media ignores it, it’s lamestream. If it tackles the . . . → Read More: Charles Krauthammer: leave Sarah Palin aloonnnne!!!