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Why I’m Embarrassed to be Canadian…Again! Tom Flanagan Edition


I was on Twitter earlier this evening and some of the tweets quite frankly made my blood run cold.  It seemed that quite a few out there were actually minimizing ol’ Tommy Flanagan’s musings about Child pornography.  Flanagan’s not evil–only trying to be controversial, some say. Others clearly too stupid to understand the . . . → Read More: Why I’m Embarrassed to be Canadian…Again! Tom Flanagan Edition

“Christian” Family Values?


Texas judge William Adams beats his daughter with a belt. Warning: this video will trigger victims of abuse. I could only watch about thirty seconds at a time.

The video has gone viral, with well over five million hits as of this writing. A few points for context: the daughter’s “crime” was to . . . → Read More: “Christian” Family Values?