Archived posts

A Vote For The Liberals Is a Vote For the Bloc? How Does That Work?


Yes, a very stupid Harpercon incumbent, Brian Jean,  in Alberta tweeted this today.

… Every vote for the Liberals is a vote for the Bloc. Vote conservative and keep Canada together.

More blackmail and he’s failing miserably at it.

The reality is that most pundits in Quebec, including Chantal Hebert, and many in . . . → Read More: A Vote For The Liberals Is a Vote For the Bloc? How Does That Work?

Why, Senator Touchdown Smith, I do Believe That’s What We Call Blackmail, What Say You?


Senator Touchdown opened his claptrap yet again. What a buffoon! I can’t believe those WASPs in the Montreal Waste Island are about to vote this clown in! Apparently, they have no aversion to blackmail?

In making his case, Smith said his riding in western Montreal could expect more federal funding if it voted . . . → Read More: Why, Senator Touchdown Smith, I do Believe That’s What We Call Blackmail, What Say You?