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Why, Senator Touchdown Smith, I do Believe That’s What We Call Blackmail, What Say You?

Senator Touchdown opened his claptrap yet again. What a buffoon! I can’t believe those WASPs in the Montreal Waste Island are about to vote this clown in! Apparently, they have no aversion to blackmail?

In making his case, Smith said his riding in western Montreal could expect more federal funding if it voted Conservative.

“If you look across the country where the Conservatives have had strong representation, a lot of projects have taken place,” he said.

“But it’s normal that you’re going to focus on the areas with the people that do support you. That is part of political life.”

I guess Stevie forgot to put a muzzle on him.  Let’s ask ol’ Senator Touchdown if he is blackmailing the voters of Lac-St-Louis:

Asked if that means it could expect nothing if doesn’t vote blue on May 2, Smith responded that “the reality is if you’re running a country as big as Canada, you’ll probably spend more of your time with the people that support you.”


Oh yes, did I mention he also said that Lac-St-Louis hasn’t had proper representation from Ottawa because a Harpercon hasn’t been representing it??

That sounds like blackmail to me, what say you, boys ‘n’ girls?



1 comment to Why, Senator Touchdown Smith, I do Believe That’s What We Call Blackmail, What Say You?

  • Greg

    Strangely enough this is a good sign. Whenever a campaign uses this “argument” it is swirling towards the drain.