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Thursday Night’s Quebec Election Leader’s Debate and The Power of Misinformation


I’m a bit late giving my opinions here, but here goes.

First off, for those who complained or mocked Pauline Marois for being, shall we say, animated, would you rather a debate where everybody is standing still like statues and speaking in a monotonic voice?  Perhaps where they all basically agreed with each . . . → Read More: Thursday Night’s Quebec Election Leader’s Debate and The Power of Misinformation

Economic Inaction Plan 2014 — One Step Closer to Elimination of Universal Health Care


On page 279 of Jimbo Flaherty’s latest budget which was declared pretty much a yawner by the punditry, ignored by the masses more interested in gold medals in Sochi,  is Stevie Harper’s main dream to kill universal health care.  We shouldn’t be surprised though; not long ago, Stevie closed the  Health Council of . . . → Read More: Economic Inaction Plan 2014 — One Step Closer to Elimination of Universal Health Care

Media, Commentators, Should Spend More Time and Energy Start Asking Serious Questions of Philippe Couillard and the Quebec Liberal Party


Move over Quebec Charter of Values…there’s a new scandal in town! This time, it’s in the form of more corruption being found in the Quebec Liberal Party and Philippe Couillard is in the hot seat!  As well he should, for more than one reason. While many journos, pundits and other commentators are still . . . → Read More: Media, Commentators, Should Spend More Time and Energy Start Asking Serious Questions of Philippe Couillard and the Quebec Liberal Party

How Private For Profit Health Provider Rations Their Emergency Week-end Services–Vital Aire Edition


Boys ‘n’ girls, get ready for a rant alert with a lot of 4-letter words.   I should come up with more editions like these.  I’m sure non-medicare private for profit health care services other than Vital Aire have been known to disprove the whole private for profit offering better service.  Today, I will . . . → Read More: How Private For Profit Health Provider Rations Their Emergency Week-end Services–Vital Aire Edition

Uh, Peggy Nash, Just Because Charest likes User Fees for our Health Care System, Don’t mean Quebecers Support Them


Well, Peggy Nash, whatever respect I may have had for you is gone now.   And many thought that if she won the leadership, she would steer the NDP further to the left! Ha!

You see, boys ‘n’ girls, in some kind of misguided attempt to win over Quebec support, Ms Nash was willing . . . → Read More: Uh, Peggy Nash, Just Because Charest likes User Fees for our Health Care System, Don’t mean Quebecers Support Them

It Comes Together Some More– IMF-Latest Player Sticking Its’ Nose In Our Business


The latest player to be screeching how our universal health care system isn’t sustainable is none other than the International Monetary Fund–those same bastards who bailed out Greece and Ireland with the condition that they implement draconian austerity budgets in their respective countries; with measures that have nothing to do with debt reduction . . . → Read More: It Comes Together Some More– IMF-Latest Player Sticking Its’ Nose In Our Business

Some Progressive Dems Challenge Anti-Health Care GOPers To Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is


Yesterday, Jymn posted about new Rethuglican congressman, Andy Harris, who is typically against the Obama health care reform, bitching about how he would have to wait thirty days after being sworn in in January  for his tax-payer funded congressman health coverage.  Today, it seems that some progressive Dems have  launched a challenge to . . . → Read More: Some Progressive Dems Challenge Anti-Health Care GOPers To Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is

I Think We All Knew This Was Coming


It was just a matter of time before  Liberal MP for Esquimalt Juan deFuca, Keith Martin would either resign on his own or get kicked out of Liberal caucus after shooting off his claptrap regarding private for profit health care, particularly after Ujjal Dosanjh publicly threw him under the bus.  It was suspect . . . → Read More: I Think We All Knew This Was Coming

Meet The New Incoming President of The Canadian Medical Association


Meet Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull, chief of staff at The Ottawa Hospital. I think I like him already.   I don’t think Stevie “I think the Feds should scrap the federal health act Spiteful, nor the rancid Dr. Jabba the Roy,  will, though. That’s already an upside. You see, unlike  the doctor’s predecessors, he is for keeping our . . . → Read More: Meet The New Incoming President of The Canadian Medical Association

The Hypocrisy and Confusion That is Tasha Kheiriddin


Tasha Kheiridin’s columns as of late really shows her off to be a wannabe, using terms that no longer exist, like small c conservative. No such thing anymore.  And no Tasha, the Harpercons are not right of center; they’re to the far right.  Right of center would have been the Progressive conservatives of . . . → Read More: The Hypocrisy and Confusion That is Tasha Kheiriddin

The “Adult” Conversation Regarding Health Care in Canada-Rant Alert!


Don’t you all just fucking well love it when these idiot cons always equate “mature” conversation about health care with allowing a full take over by the private for profit sector? The Americanization of health care is a knockin’ at the door and the “mature” thing to do is to embrace it, it . . . → Read More: The “Adult” Conversation Regarding Health Care in Canada-Rant Alert!

Obama’s Health Care Bill (abridged) Passes — Updated


Well it’s pretty weak beer, but the much amended , watered down, and compromised Obama Health Bill passed Congress last night.

Still, better than nothing I suppose. Like drinking Schlitz Lite, instead of Black Ice, or Bras D’Or.

Maybe that is what happened to American Beer as well. More on this when I’ve . . . → Read More: Obama’s Health Care Bill (abridged) Passes — Updated

It Must Really Suck to be Mark Steyn, Silly Sally, and Other Anti-Help Your Fellow Man Neo-cons


No really! It must suck to be Mark Steyn! I mean, the best he can do is sub in for Redneck Rush from time to time, deal with the crushes of the likes of Wendy “Girl on the Wrong” Sullivan and live in complete paranoia.

Between you,  Silly Sally Pipes and other paranoid . . . → Read More: It Must Really Suck to be Mark Steyn, Silly Sally, and Other Anti-Help Your Fellow Man Neo-cons

Now Danny Williams Has Just Pissed Me Off and a Lesson Jack Layton Should Learn


I was one of the few who actually didn’t make a big stink over the guy going off to the U.S. for his heart surgery, due to the fact many of Canada’s rich and famous go to the U.S. and Europe for treatment when they have the money to just pay for that . . . → Read More: Now Danny Williams Has Just Pissed Me Off and a Lesson Jack Layton Should Learn

Right Slanted Corporate Media Telling Us How to Feel & Think Yet Again


Indeed they are. This time, it’s old health care debate on both sides of the border. Yep, Talkin’ about Danny Williams,  Premier of Newfoundland. National Posties’ columnists are proving particularly all ga ga giddy over this with the phony outrage over this (phony for the most part any way). What’s worse, is they . . . → Read More: Right Slanted Corporate Media Telling Us How to Feel & Think Yet Again