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Finer Moments Of Helena Guergis: Bond Girl, Math, Saturday Nite Funnies


Well, I did the nostalgic music thing last nite and haven’t done funnies in awhile. So, sticking to the theme at hand (I know, I’m shameless…).  How’s about some videos of the ‘finer’ moments of Hurricane Helena’s career??

Helena “the Bong girl” takes skiing lessons from Rick Mercer

Here’s a Good from . . . → Read More: Finer Moments Of Helena Guergis: Bond Girl, Math, Saturday Nite Funnies

The Ideal TV Show For the Blogging Tories


It has everything Canadian in it, including the CBC and Rick Mercer.  Also, the language is kept simple; no words above three syllables, so it’s definitely not ‘Liberal Elitist’

Fair and impartial Birthday Party? Nope, even that has to be partisan.
