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Cover-ups, Abuses, Denials and Insults Aren’t Going to Draw More to The Catholic Church, Right Babs?

When the scandals broke out yet again about priests sexually abusing childen and subsequent cover ups by Catholic Church officials, my mother mused, wondering if my maternal grandmother were still alive, what would she have thought of those scandals? How would she have handled them? I never answered, that is, until now.

My maternal grandmother was a devout Catholic who strictly adhered to Catholic church doctrine. She went to church every Sunday, she was a member of the ladies’ auxiliary, she sent my mom to an all girls  parochial school,  she didn’t serve meat on Fridays, she never even thought of even looking at another man  following the death of my grandfather.  She was  from that old generation where they believed the teachings of the Catholic church were never to be deviated from and they never questioned it.  To them, people who didn’t follow church doctrine well…as such, they lived in denial, that is, until the baby boomers came along; my mom’s generation.  Leading that kind of submissive life also put them in a permanent state of denial.

So, to answer my mother’s question, my grandmother would never want to hear about those children being abused at the hands of priests and nuns. I seriously doubt she even spoke of the children of Duplessis during the grande noirceur. She would be in denial of the situation.

My grandmother, of course, back then, would have been in denial over illegal abortions; do it yourself knitting needle, wire hanger specials.  Non-professional vultures too lazy to get real jobs  performing abortions with unsterilized equipment in flop houses in back alleys most gangsters would be scared to show their faces. Desperation is a concept many of those too wrapped up  in their own religious beliefs wouldn’t understand.

It appears that Cardinal Marc Ouellette’s latest comments about the need to recriminalize abortion including to those who were victims of rape and incest:

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