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Happy Birthday, Bob Dylan!

It’s a hot and humid holiday. This of course, would make for a slow blogging day.

Robert Allen Zimmerman was born on this day in 1941.

He would later call himself Bob Dylan after the poet Dylan Thomas, who along with Woody Guthrie, was a great influence on him. More here about his life and career.

“The Hurricane”,  a song about the story of Reuben “Hurricane” Carter.  Performance in 1975

Like a Rolling Stone” is another favourite.   I like the lyrics; they remind us how bad luck can happen to anyone and thus, how  arrogance toward the unfortunate and the marginalized is a bad idea.  This video is of  Dylan’s performance at the Newport Folk Festival of 1965.

Oh what the hell, a party song sure to make the Socons of the Blogging Romper roomies and outside like Pacheco and Suzy ALLCAPS

Happy Birthday Bob Dylan! Happy Victoria Day to those outside of Quebec! Pour les Quebecois, Joyeuses Fetes des Patriotes!

1 comment to Happy Birthday, Bob Dylan!

  • Carl F

    Today we celebrate the birth of a great poet, song and dance man and artist without peer, Robert Allen Zimmermann. We also celebrate Victoria Day and la jour Patriotes. We also acknowledge the return of Sister Sage to the blogsphere. It’s common to have a 2 for 1, 3 for 1 is rare, but rarer still is a 4 for 1. Let’s celebrate all four!!