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Hunter Plays Statistician and Criminologist–Not Very Pretty

Well, for those who follow Hunter from time to time would know that she does break her own record of stupidity. Today’s dispatch is no different. I would attempt to explain, but between that and the extreme heat and humidity in Montreal today, I’m going to get a head-ache if I attempt this.  Read and weep for yourselves. Yes, I think she may well have swallowed Tom Flanagan’s Bush-esque kool-aid.

Unfortunately, I am sure she’s not alone. Remember what I’ve been saying for awhile now? It isn’t fact or truth that matters, it is what’s perceived by the masses.

Anyhow, Hunter has decided to scare herself silly by reading her local headlines.

But read her monsterpiece til the end.  She stops talking about robbery or murder. She’s talking about protesters. Those who protest and/or demonstrate against a new government policy or an event such as war or demanding their government something.

Make all the organizations that protest pay for the extra police services needed because of them, Ann Coulter had to pay for her protection. Why should the taxpayers have to pay for it? We are not out there protesting, we are too busy working. Any damage to any buildings should be paid for by the protesters, whether it is their organizations who did the damage or not. You protest, you pay.

Ok, Hunter then you should start paying for your own pro-lifer rallies like the fetus festivities up at Parliament Hill not long ago.  In fact, if we take your cue to ban protests, I say we ban any and all fetus festivities.

I protest my tax dollars going to bible translators and Christian Colleges.  Oh, yeah, in Hunter’s world, I’m a progressive which means I should the fuck up. I can’t protest that, nor can we protest the war it would seem.

Gee, see how  difficult we progressives make life for the likes of Hunter?

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