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Some should Just Leave Math for those With Know How

I had a dilemma earlier: either wreck my page with this drivel of a video or link to the  Mathematically challenged shrews  Hunter or Sandy’s pages, thus, surely giving them more traffic.

I decided on neither, but will tell you all it’s at Hunter’s page, Climbing out of the Dark, if you dare or at Sandy’s (Look at me I’m Sandra Dee) page, I guess it may have entertainment value.  These shrews have claimed to telling the ‘truth’ about prorogation.

The thing I loved most was the incorrect math; they repeat over and over again in the video that this  prorogation is only for 17 days. Now, I know I sucked at math in high school and again in college, so folks, help me out here: there are only 17 days between January 25 & March 3?? Even when we only count week days, it comes out to more than that. 11 days of Olympics not counted? Last I checked, the Olympics have never been considered legal holidays.

I have one thing to ask these wingnuts; pro-war wingnuts I might add. How come the soldiers, yes, those same soldiers we elistist lefties are accused of not supporting, not allowed to prorogue? They can’t take time off during the olympics. They can’t take time off because they can’t play nicely with their platoon, they can’t run away because they’re scared. They certainly can’t run away because they no longer believe in the senseless mission, much like the late young Jonathan Couturier.

Oh, and their video sucks: score 1 for our side; talent!

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