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Nice to See My Tax Dollars at Work and a Photo-Op Not wasted

The Grope and Fail certainly didn’t waste any time taking a pic of Stevie and Haitian President Rene Preval, wearing matching blue shirts. All together now: YUCK! Iggy, here’s a hint: the next time you want to do campaign ads; no more blue shirts!

Stevie’s big announcement was a 12 000 000$ pledge to build a new temporary (not even permanent) headquarters for Haiti’s government. Wouldn’t that 12 000 000$ be better served, say, I don’ t know….a much needed hospital with staff and equipment to help many of the victims of the quake? How’s a bout schools and orphanage?

No, Stevie felt a new government headquarters is the priority of the day. Presently, they are housed at the police station: no wonder Prime minister Jean-Max Bellerive wants out of there. The last place a (probable) corrupt government would want to be is with the more than likely corrupt police force. Never mind that there are demonstrators outside that police station demanding to see President Preval.

Over and over they shout: “We have no water, we have no food and nowhere to stay.”

But, no St-Stevie to the rescue figures they need to move away from the demonstrators away from the police station rather than  actually helping those people the demonstrators are protesting.

Why should supporting a  potentially corrupt government be a surprise? Our tax dollars have been keeping the Corrupt Karzai regime in Afghanistan, after all.

Stevie rushing for an impromptu trip to Haiti to no doubt beat French President Nicolas Sarkozy to the punch. Sarkozy has been planning to go visit Haiti this Wednesday.

Fortunately, most see through St-Stevie’s act. Sure we have been the second largest contributor  to Haiti, but if those contributions are not getting to the people themselves: hospitals, orphanages, housing, schools, food, water, etc., then what’s the use of bragging about being the second largest contributor and the first leader of a major benefactor going to Haiti?Actually, a benefactor should help because it’s the right thing to do; not for bragging rights or photo ops.

Even a Haitian co-worker laughs everytime he hears about St-Stevie.  He still has family there. They are ok, but he also gets the real stories of what’s happening in Haiti.  I don’t ask, but I would bet that those anecdotes are far different than what corporate media is trying to paint.

Let’s also remember, he does owe that G.G. a huge favor.

3 comments to Nice to See My Tax Dollars at Work and a Photo-Op Not wasted

  • Bocanut

    “Luckily, Bocanut hasn’t yet set up camp at my place.”

    10 postings 9 total comments,doesn’t look like anyone has or wants to set up camp at your place.

    ck Reply:

    Aw, you’ve come to darken my doorstep.
    I almost didn’t publish this as your drivel is irrelevent to the topic of this posting. I noticed you don’t even have a blog. You make no contribution to write or research anything of substance.

    “10 postings 9 total comments,doesn’t look like anyone has or wants to set up camp at your place.”

    Well, it looks like you want to set up camp here if you dropped by otherwise, you wouldn’t have posted that drivel. Wazz a matter? You bored, now that Canadian Cynic has kicked you out of his place?

    Behave and stick to topic if you want comment privileges here. Otherwise, stay away. You’re one troll I don’t wish to entertain for too long.


  • NG

    Love your work. You nailed this. I am thinking of starting my own blog. Any advice you can offer to a fellow female on the edge of the political spectrum.