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Stevie Goes Away…AGAIN! I Guess Vancouver Just Ain’t Far Enough

Yes, Stevie has decided out of the blue it would seem, to go off to Haiti to assess the humanitarian situation on the ground and discuss the process of reconstruction with Haiti’s President René Préval and its Prime Minister, Jean-Max Bellerive.’. I wonder what brought that on? After all, wasn’t one of his excuses for proroguing parliament was to watch the Olympics? Perhaps he underestimated the protests happening in and around Vancouver? Or he’s under even more pressure to unprorogue parliament these days.  I’m thinking it’s probably a combination of both and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out later our St-Stevie had yet another demon to run away from.

Stevie announced he wanted to cancel two weeks in the spring to make up for lost time during proroguation;  such a change that would demand a unanimous vote from all the parties. It isn’t looking that way thus far. It seems that the Bloc Quebecois will go along. The N.D.P. is demanding parliament be reopen ASAP if  falling behind on work was an issue and rightfully so. Iggy has said the Liberals will go along (well, no kidding: since they did go back to work last January 25, they would look pretty foolish to vote against this calendar change) with some conditions attached. Conditions like reconvening the committees to resume the  investigation into the Afghan Detainee issue among other things.  Not sure Stevie will go for it. Either way it doesn’t look like cancelling the two weeks is going to work in Stevie’s favor. I think most Canadians saw that ploy for what it was: Stevie trying to redeem himself. Didn’t work, as the N.D.P. have it right: if there is too much work waiting; perhaps parliament should reconvene immediately. So what’s plan B? Run away, as St-Stevie that is what Stevie seems to do best? Just a theory.

There is one other reason I can think of for his interest and diligence on Haiti.  Where is Michaelle Jean originally from? Doesn’t St-Stevie owe her a big favor for granting him a 2nd prorogation in 13 months; the second time, over the phone?

Oh, I bet I know, because he will be the first leader of one of the major countries sending aid to Haiti: yes, he must get there before somebody else from somewhere else gets this idea. He’ll go for a few photo ops of him handing a food box to some poor Haitian or playing Uncle Steve at some orphanage in Port-au-Prince. Unfortunately, there are those who love all things shiny and will fall for it.

Maybe he’s just given up on the idea of Canada winning a gold medal. Oh, incidentally, I have been noticing some neo-con trolls suggesting the left would blame Stevie if Canada doesn’t win a single gold medal.  I don’t think so, but I do strongly believe that if Canada did win a gold medal, St-Stevie would jump up and down and go ga ga giddy for the cameras taking credit for that athlete or team’s win, but I digress…

Yes, we’re supposed to help Haiti, like any other poor country, especially one where disaster hits. It is the job of the prime minister to respond as quickly as possible to these calls. However, it is not necessarily his job to actually fly off to Haiti.  This is something that could well  have been delegated.

To many, this impromptu trip will be applauded. To those of us who think outside the box know better. If it was just to go meet with the Haitian leaders and assess damage, St-Stevie had ample time before to do this. Why cut out now of all times, during the long awaited event that would spruce up his life most?

I know, I will probably have that old critique that I don’t support Haiti for having published this article.  A lot of issues in Canada today seem to be taking on that Georgie feel of ‘you’re either with us or against us..’ as Pale from ACR wrote about yesterday. Let me be clear I have donated to various reputable charities for Haiti. I just hate seeing it taking on the role of St-Stevie’s savior.

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