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“My First Cavity Search”

“My First Cavity Search: Helping your child understand why he may be a threat to national security.”

Must be a parody. There’s no way the Transportation Security Administration would release this. The thing is it could easily be mistaken as legit considering what the tea party is coming up with for kids.

Wonder if it’s available on Amazon? Would make a good companion book to this.


H/T: Boing Boing

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3 comments to “My First Cavity Search”

  • MoS

    Yeah the kiddie sure has that “don’t leave me alone again with the priest” look.

  • Jack

    The moron alarm went off reading the second paragraph. What does this have to do with the Tea Party? Nothing. There’s no proof it does. That’s like bringing Jews in to this or any other group. You are a MORON! This is Satire to get people to think about how the TSAs touching children. They are also taking naked body scans of children and saving them. lol not the Tea Party…moron.

    ck Reply:

    who’s the moron? Tea-party advocates this sordid behavior, being the paranoid McCarthyists they are.

    And whaddya know? I got me a tea-baggin’ troll a poopin’ here today. Don’t overstay your welcome.